Sunday, March 2, 2014


1.) If all goes according to plan, the Naturebridge program in Yosemite could become a huge resource for me in terms of knowing people that work in the park that could help me get jobs in the future.  I'm not only trying to arrange for the class to visit Yosemite through this program, but I am also applying for an honors program that selects twelve girls to go on a twelve day backpacking trip.  If I can accomplish both of these things, this program will become a HUGE resource for me.

2.)  A now very tangible person that we all can benefit from is Terry Lawless.  So far none of us have gotten any advice from someone in the music world, and if I'm not mistaken, music is all about getting noticed and helping others get noticed.  Terry is probably an expert in this field.  Also, if he likes what we do when he comes to visit, maybe he can help spread the word about open source learning as well.

3.)   Focussing back on my individual work, Lynnae Fischbach from the Nature Bridge program can help me organize the class trip that I am planning and give me tips for fundraising.

4.)  I feel strange saying that my parents could help endorse my work, but they are the masters of fundraising and I could utilize Old Town Market and the clientele there to raise a lot of money through bake sales, and BBQs.

5.)  I would say that Dr. Preston is my number five.  He has a lot of connections and can teach me how to make more!

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