Sunday, August 18, 2013

1897 AP Test Multiple Choice Answers and Reflection

1987 AP Test Multiple Choice
1.) E/C
2.) A
3.) C
4.) E
5.) D
6.) D
7.) D/E
8.) B
9.) C/E
10.) C
11.) D
12.) B
13.) B
14.) B/C 
15.) A
16.) B
17.) C
18.) E
19.) E/A
20.) E/B
21.) D/E
22.) B/E
23.) E/A
24.) E/A
25.) C
26.) E
27.) D
28.) C
29.) B/A
30.) B
31.) B/D
32.) B
47.) B
48.) C/A
49.) E/C
50.) D
51.) B/C
52.) A/B
53.) E
54.) C/B
55.) D/A
56.) B
57.) C
58.) D
59.) E
60.) B
61.) A

Self Reflection on Multiple Choice
Passage One:
Questions missed: 1, 7, 9, 14
I missed these questions because I misunderstood the authors feelings throughout the text.  Every one of these questions were about what the author felt or the author's purpose.

Passage Two:
Questions missed: 19-24, 29, 31
Almost all of these questions wanted me to refer back to the text which I feel is good practice because I always have trouble with these.  I tried to time myself and felt rushed having to go back and look for answers so I wasn't very thorough.

Passage Three:
Questions missed: 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55
I always have trouble with questions like 49 that have multiple right answers.  For number 52 I didn't understand the question.  I didn't know the meaning of the word "desultory." 
Desultory: lacking a plan, purpose, or enthusiasm.
The rest of the questions I missed in this passage were once again ones referring back to the text.

Easy Questions:
Almost all the questions with literary terms were really easy.
Examples: 3, 13, 15, 30, 32, 61
Other questions that I found easy were ones that took quotes from the text and asked you their meaning.
Examples: 2, 5, 6, 10, 26, 50

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